BARCELONA, 09/15/2021
KhaOs gallery present the new exhibition “Somewhere to Swim”,
at KhaOs art space in Montjuïc, Barcelona, Spain, featuring artist and photographer Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints.
the new exhibition “Somewhere to Swim” is held at her Franco-Spanish art space of Montjuïc from September 15th until December 31st, 2021.
The collection features artist Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints’ bare pools photographs.
The Story is about the symbolism of the scars of the lockdown, emptiness, and the movement of water captured, frozen in space and time. An allegory of a world paused contrasting perpetual motion where Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints’ eerie photographs of bare pools.
Photographer and contemporary artist, Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints visited numerous British hotels during spring 2020 lockdown but all she found were lone receptionists, fences and endless emptiness. Anna’s photographs of swimming pools are symbols of an industry collapsed and inevitable decay. “When the pandemic first hit, we thought, ‘it will be over soon’ but, as one-by-one the countries of the world closed their doors, we became prisoners.
Freedom has been replaced by fear and immobility.” says the London based artist. (Featured in The Telegraph)
“”We thought it would end tomorrow”, wrote Photographer Anna Dobrovolskaya-Mints.
● Previous publications: Eerie photos of empty hotel pools bare scars of lockdown impact, The Telegraph
● KhaOs: Website – Stories – Instagram
● Cheryl Newman: Website